What to Put in Wall Planters

Woman hanging wall planters on the outside of a house

You have a wall space that needs a decorative touch. Maybe some framed artwork will do the trick. Or perhaps a shelf with some knickknacks.

But what if you could add that decorative touch and make it a living wall? Now that's something different. Welcome to the world of wall planters.

They're a fantastic addition to any indoor or outdoor space. You can turn an otherwise dull wall into a work of art. Wall planters offer endless possibilities for creativity.

And now comes the question - what to put in wall planters.

Choosing the Right Wall Planter

But before diving into what to put into wall planters, let's discuss the planter itself. After all, it's the foundation for the wall display. And planters come in all shapes and sizes. So, you need to consider different factors:

  • How many planters?
  • What size or sizes of planters?
  • Should you use one color scheme or vary the color of your planters?
  • Are the planters easy to mount?

The best living wall plantings focus on texture, shape, and color.

Start by selecting a material that matches your design aesthetic. Steel, metal, and aluminum containers fit modern, contemporary spaces. Resin wall planters are typically lighter and can mimic natural materials like stone. That works well with more traditional homes.

Keep an Eye Out for Weight

Weight is another critical decision. Your planter will get heavier when you add potting soil and plants. So, a lighter-weight planter may serve you better.

Otherwise, you must ensure your wall and mounting system can handle the weight. You'd hate to come home and see your plants and soil splattered across your floor!

Selecting the RIGHT-SIZED Wall Planter

Then, of course, there's your plants. You must select an appropriate size for the plants you want to add.

Remember Goldilocks?

Too small a planter, and your plants won't have room to grow. Too big a planter and your plants will put their energy into root growth versus foliage growth. Plus, they'll struggle to get water.

The rule of thumb is to get a two-inch larger planter than its current pot.

Self-Watering Wall Planters Remove Guesswork

Another consideration is how you will water your plants. One way to eliminate the concern is with self-watering planters. For example, Root & Vessel has Artstone self-watering wall planters.

They include a reservoir at the bottom. It provides plants with the perfect amount of water needed. Here's why they are a great choice:

  • Consistent Moisture: Self-watering systems maintain a consistent moisture level, preventing too much or too little water.
  • Reduced Maintenance: You can go longer between watering sessions with self-watering wall planters. That's perfect if you have a busy schedule or like to travel.
  • Healthier Plants: Plants receive just the right amount of water. That promotes healthier root systems and overall growth.

Using Wall Planters Indoors and Outdoors

Here's something else to keep in mind with wall planters. They work equally well indoors or out. You can add a vertical garden to your living room wall. Wall planters on a brick patio wall are similarly delightful.

Inside your home, wall planters can be focal points in various rooms. Hang them in the living room, kitchen, or bathroom to create a striking visual impact. They not only bring nature indoors but also purify the air.

They can transform patios, balconies, and garden walls into lush green landscapes in outdoor spaces. They are handy for small spaces like balconies with limited floor space. Just make sure the planters are weather-resistant.

Wherever you hang a planter, ensure your plants match its light conditions—sunny plants in sunny spots and shade-loving plants in shady spots.

Now for the fun part. What to put in wall planters.

The Best Plants for Wall Planters

When selecting plants for your planters, choose varieties that not only thrive in your specific lighting conditions. Moreover, because wall planters are typically smaller, stick with compact plants with shallow root systems.

Here are some excellent choices:

  • Succulents: Their striking shapes and low water requirements are perfect for planters. Varieties like echeverias, sedums, and hens and chicks add texture and color to your vertical garden.
  • Herbs: Herbs like basil, rosemary, thyme, and mint are not only aromatic but also compact enough to thrive in wall planters. Place a wall planter on a kitchen wall, and you'll have a fresh herb garden at your fingertips for cooking.
  • Ivy: Trailing plants like English ivy are classic for wall planters. Its trailing vines create an elegant cascading effect. Ivy thrives in both indoor and outdoor settings.
  • Pothos: Another trailing plant, pothos or devil's fern, is easy to grow. They thrive in bright, indirect light. However, they can tolerate medium to low indirect light, like that from a north-facing wall.
  • Philodendron: Even beginner gardeners are usually successful at growing these plants. Philodendrons are low maintenance with minimal light requirements.
  • Ferns: Ferns, such as maidenhair or Boston ferns, are shade-loving plants that add a touch of lush greenery to your wall planters. They're perfect for brightening up shaded corners.
  • Air Plants: Tillandsias, or air plants, are incredibly low-maintenance and can thrive in wall planters. They don't require soil; you can attach them to the planter's surface.
  • Petunias: Consider planting trailing petunias in your outdoor wall planters for a burst of seasonal color. They come in a variety of vibrant hues.
  • Scented Geraniums: Scented geraniums offer attractive foliage and emit delightful fragrances when touched. They're a unique addition to your wall planters.

Consider climate and plant needs for healthy, long-lasting wall planters.

What to Put in Wall Planters Instead of Plants

When you think planter, you immediately think of plants. But you have creative options at your disposal that don't involve plants. Here are some non-plant ideas on what to put in wall planters:

  • Decorative Stones: Fill your wall planters with decorative stones or pebbles. They add texture, color, and a touch of Zen to your space.
  • Beach Treasures: For a beach-themed décor, consider arranging seashells, driftwood, and beachcombing finds in your wall planters.
  • Artificial Plants: Fake plants and flowers are a good option for having plants but without the upkeep. Today's artificial plants look realistic. So you can add greenery or floral displays to a wall without the work.
  • Miniature Fairy Gardens: Create charming miniature fairy gardens in your wall planters. Add tiny figurines, mini furniture, and small succulents or moss for a whimsical touch.
  • Candles and Lanterns: Place candles or LED lanterns in your wall planters for evening ambiance. The soft, flickering light will create a cozy atmosphere.
  • Seasonal Displays: You can change out your planters based on season. Add festive greens like holly twigs and berries during the holidays. Or add lights and ornaments for a holiday showcase.

Get Creative with Wall Planters

What can you put in wall planters? Anything you like. They offer a canvas for your creativity and a means to bring the beauty of nature into your living spaces.

So go ahead. Get crazy and have some fun.

Root & Vessel can help with stylish Artstone wall planters. Their one-of-a-kind marbled look fits any home decor. You can choose from four colors and sizes to match your design style.

Best of all, our wall planters are self-watering. So you can enjoy your plants with less hassle.