Resin Planters 101: Everything You Need to Know

Artstone resin planters hanging outdoors with pink flowers planted in them

Resin planters have recently gained popularity for their versatility, durability, and aesthetic appeal. They're durable, lightweight, and more affordable than many other planters.

If you aren't familiar with resin garden planters, read on to get the lowdown.

What Are Resin Planters?

Resin planters are containers made from a synthetic material known as resin. It combines polymers through a chemical process. That process creates a material prized for its durability, versatility, and resistance to various environmental factors. And those traits make it ideal for planters.

The planters come in a wide range of sizes, shapes, and colors, allowing you to find the perfect one to complement your decor.

Plastic vs. Resin Planters

Resin is a type of plastic. But think of it as plastic on steroids.

First, resin planters are harder than plastic versions so they can take a beating more than plastic.

Second, resin planters are more durable and better suited outdoors than other plastic types.

Third, they withstand outdoor conditions more effectively. Resin planters can resist UV rays, moisture, rain, and temperature fluctuations. Moreover, they retain their appearance and structural integrity over an extended time.

Fourth, they do cost a bit more than standard plastic planters. But they're much less than other planter materials like wood, ceramics, or metal. And they wear equally well.

Common Questions About Resin Planters

Gardeners have more questions about resin planters than any other planter type. So, here's a Q&A intended to answer the most common questions. You can also learn more about them by reading this blog, What Are Resin Planters?

Are resin planters any good?

Absolutely! Resin planters are an excellent choice for gardeners and plant enthusiasts. They offer a durable and lightweight alternative to traditional planters. They fit in any environment, including gardens, patios, balconies, and indoor spaces. Their versatility, design options, and cost-effectiveness make them popular among gardening enthusiasts.

Are resin planters eco-friendly?

Many are, indeed, eco-friendly. For example, Root Vessel's Artstone self-watering planters are comprised of at least 50% recycled materials. Moreover, they use less water than other planters because they are self-watering.

Learn more about the advantages of self-watering planters.

Root & Vessel's Cali round planters received Intertek's, Green Leaf Mark.

How long do resin planters last?

They can last many years, often outlasting natural materials like clay or wood. With care, resin planters can last up to ten years. Their resistance to weather, UV rays, and cracking ensures they remain in excellent condition for an extended period. Regular cleaning and protection from extreme conditions help prolong their lifespan.

Do plants grow well in resin planters?

Yes, plants thrive in resin planters. Resin is non-porous, which means it retains moisture and prevents it from seeping through the planter's walls. This feature helps maintain a consistent moisture level for your plants, preventing over-drying or waterlogging.

Planters using terracotta, for example, are porous. Water can escape more readily, so you'll have to water plants more frequently.

Like other planters, it's essential to provide appropriate drainage. You must also choose the right potting mix for your plants to ensure their health and growth.

Do resin pots leach into soil?

Unlike some wood and metal planters, resin pots don't absorb water or leach substances into the soil. This makes them a safe choice for planting and ensures that they won't affect the soil or the plants growing in them.

That's especially important for planters growing edible plants like herbs.

Can you leave resin planters outside in winter?

Resin outdoor planters are generally frost-resistant. However, the specific cold tolerance may vary depending on the quality and thickness of the resin material.

You can leave most resin planters outside during winter without a problem. But it's advisable to check the manufacturer's recommendations to ensure they suit your local climate. If winters are frigid, you can bring them inside. Otherwise, you might consider covering them to protect them from freezing temperatures.

Can you use resin planters indoors and outdoors?

Yes, one of the advantages of resin planters is their versatility. They work equally well indoors or out. Their durability allows them to withstand the rigors of the outdoors.

It also translates well indoors in case someone accidentally knocks over the planter. It won't shatter like ceramic, terracotta, or other fragile materials.

Root & Vessel is a Leading Seller of Resin Planters

Hopefully, we've answered any questions you have about resin planters. If we've missed anything, drop us a line, and we'll get back to you with an answer.

Our collection of Artstone planters gives you an incredible bang for the buck! First, you get the benefits of resin and all it offers.

Second, the entire collection is self-watering. You spend less time watering with fewer concerns about too much or too little water.

Third, they look great. Each features a unique marbled finish that works well with any decor. You also have a choice of several colors. And they come in all kinds of styles:

Last, like all our planters, they have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Count on Root & Vessel for all your decorative planters indoors and outdoors.