Wall Planters Liven Any Space

Several gray and brown wall planters with succulents and flowers

Vertical gardening continues to gain popularity as people look for new ways to add greenery and color to home and outdoor spaces. As a result, gardening is no longer restricted to the ground. Wall planters offer a unique and creative solution for adding plants to areas where traditional gardening may not be possible, such as small balconies or indoor spaces. Learn more about how you can use wall planters to liven any space.

Use Wall Planters Inside or Out

One of the great things about wall planters is that you can use them indoors or outdoors. You can maximize your vertical space outdoors. Equally important, you can protect your plants from animals or crawling insects that can eat or damage your plants.

Indoors, you can substantially increase your ability to insert greenery into your home. Moreover, you can add some convenience to your life. For example, why place herbs outside when you can use wall planters to grow them indoors, making them readily accessible?

Creative Ways to Use Wall Planters

Black wall planter mounted to fence with white flowers growing in it

The beauty of wall planters is that you can use them in numerous locations to bring the outdoors in or complement your outdoor plantings. Here are some creative ways you can use wall planters:

  1. Privacy Screen: You can use wall planters to add privacy and create a lush green wall on your patio.
  2. Balconies: Instead of staring at a blank wall, you can transform it into a work of art. Add greenery or fragrant flowers. Or plant herbs to use when cooking.
  3. Fences: You can attach a planter to fences to create a vertical garden that provides privacy and shade.
  4. Walls: Unsurprisingly, a blank wall is a perfect location for a planter. Resist the urge to hang a picture or mirror and use a wall planter instead to create living art.
  5. Bathrooms: Why not make your bathroom an oasis? Add some wall planters to create a natural aesthetic. In addition, steam from your shower humidifies the air to support plants that enjoy moist conditions.
  6. Vertical Herb Garden: Create a vertical herb garden in your kitchen by hanging planters with your favorite herbs. Not a fan of herbs? You can plant vegetables in wall planters and harvest some of your favorites.
  7. Living Wall: Create a living wall by covering the wall with a series of planters filled with different plants for a stunning green backdrop.

When choosing the location for your wall planters, consider the growing conditions for the plants you want to grow. You’ll need to determine light exposure and moisture levels. In addition, you’ll need to ensure the wall is sturdy enough to handle the planter’s weight and soil.

What Walls Best Support Planters?

With soil, especially moist soil, wall planters pack some weight. For example, a 19-1/2-inch resin planter weighs 7.2 lbs. without soil or plants.

As a result, you need to use a wall capable of supporting that weight. So, before installing the planters, you’ll also want to assess the wall’s condition and make any repairs or add reinforcement. Otherwise, the planter may put too much stress on the wall.

The number of planters you use also has a bearing. For example, overloading a wall with too many could cause structural damage.

So, select walls made of sturdy materials like brick, concrete, or stone. They’re strong enough to support wall planters without risking structural damage.

Wood walls are also perfect for supporting planters. However, you may want to add reinforcement by using a wall-mounted bracket or brace to ensure it will handle the weight.

You can use wall planters on drywall. But it’s best to find a stud, so you’re hanging the planter on wood. A wall stud is infinitely more capable of bearing the load than drywall.

What are the Best Materials for Planters

6 small black wall planters mounted to a trellis

The material depends on several factors, including the type of plants you want to grow, the look you want to achieve, and your climate. You can purchase wall planters in several materials.

Metal: These planters, such as wrought iron or stainless steel, are exceptionally durable. They tend to add a modern touch to your garden.

Plastic: A plastic wall planter is lightweight, affordable, and available in various colors. If you use the planter outside, ensure it can withstand the elements.

Ceramic: Like plastic, you can select various shapes, sizes, and colors. Ceramic retains water, making them healthier for your plants. They also help regulate moisture flow and air to your plants.

Wood: Few materials are more natural than wood. So, if you want to add to that look, use a cedar or redwood planter. Both handle the elements reasonably well.

Resin: Resin planters use a combination of stone and polymers for outstanding durability. They’re also frost-resistant, so that you can use them indoors or outdoors. In addition, some wall planters, like Artstone self-watering planters, include a sub-irrigated reservoir for self-watering.

Terracotta: Terracotta planters are inexpensive and available at any garden center. The high density of the clay makes the pots frost resistant and allows air to flow through to the roots. It also retains moisture due to its porous nature.

Remember, outdoor planters require greater durability than indoor planters. So, if you want to use a wall planter for an outdoor space, get one capable of handling the elements.

What Plants Work Well in a Wall Planter?

Flowers growing in wall planters

There’s no shortage of plants that can thrive in a wall planter. However, vining plants can create a lush wall of greenery if you want maximum impact. For instance, you can use ivy, creeping figs, or climbing roses for vertical gardening.

Succulents are easy to care for and come in various shapes and colors. Best of all, they’re drought-tolerant, so you’ll remove some of the worries about watering. At the very least, you’ll be able to water less.

Ferns are perfect for adding greenery to a wall. In addition, they add texture. Ferns can also be a great addition to bathroom wall planters as they thrive in moist environments.

If you love to cook and are always looking for a way to flavor your dishes, use wall planters for herbs and place them in your kitchen. You’ll be able to pick fresh basil, thyme, sage, and mint.

And, of course, you can’t go wrong with almost any type of annual – petunias, impatiens, calibrachoa, geraniums, etc.

Like any other planter, select plants based on light conditions and watering needs, it’s best to steer clear of invasive plants as they can damage your walls.

How to Plant a Wall Planter

Here’s a step-by-step guide to planting a wall planter:

  1. Select the Wall Planter: Choose a planter based on the size and type of planters you want to grow. You’ll also need to pay attention to its material. For example, use a more durable planter outside.
  2. Prepare the Wall: Make sure the wall is suitable for the planter. Then mount the planter using screws, nails, or a mounting system.
  3. Choose Your Plants: Choose appropriate plants for the location and growing conditions. Use shade-loving plants in shady spots and sun-loving plants in sunny areas.
  4. Prepare the Soil Mix: Use well-draining soil with perlite or vermiculite to help drain water away from your plant’s roots. You can add organic materials to the potting mix to increase the nutrients.
  5. Fill the Planter: Fill the planter with the soil mix, leaving enough room to add the plants.
  6. Add the Plants: Put your plants in the wall planter, allowing appropriate spacing between plants.
  7. Secure the Plants: You might want to use garden twine or wire to secure the plants and prevent them from shifting or falling out.
  8. Water the Plants: Water the plants thoroughly. Be careful not to overwater, which can cause root rot.
  9. Attach the Planter: Attach the wall planter to the desired wall location. Ensure the area is sturdy enough to accommodate the planter’s weight. You can attach the planter first and take care of the above steps with the planter already in place. But it might be easier to mount the planter after planting.

How to Water Wall Planters

The best way to water a wall planter depends on the type of planter and the plants growing inside it. Here are some general tips for watering wall planters:

  • Drip Irrigation: Consider installing a drip irrigation system if you have many wall planters. It delivers water directly to the plant’s roots, reducing water waste and making watering easier.
  • Water Can or Hose: You can use a watering can or hose for smaller numbers of wall planters. You can find water cans with longer spouts to reach higher spots. Again, make sure the roots are thoroughly hydrated.
  • Soil Moisture Meter: A soil moisture meter is a handy tool for determining when the soil is dry. Just insert the meter into the soil to let you know if your plant needs water.
  • Watering Frequency: Frequency depends on the plant types, size, and weather conditions for outside planters. Generally, wall planters require more frequent watering because they dry out faster due to their sides being exposed.

What About Drainage?Woman tending to her plants in brown and black wall planters

If you’re familiar with gardening, you know that drainage is essential. Otherwise, you risk waterlogging the roots and killing your plants. But what about drainage with vertical gardening? Won’t it damage the walls?

It depends on the design and construction of the wall planter. Most planters include a drain hole at the bottom. However, if not properly managed, some water may leak through the sides or bottom of the planter. And that can damage your walls.

Some wall planters come with a tray attached to collect the drainage. Otherwise, the best way to avoid damage is by taking the planter down, watering thoroughly, and allowing the water to drain out the bottom. Then, hang the planter back in place.

Tips for Gardening with Wall Planters

Vertical gardening opens up a new world, especially for those lacking space for traditional gardening. But, even if you have room, wall planters add a unique dimension to planting.

Best of all, anyone can benefit from vertical gardening. Here are some tips to ensure your success:

  1. Select the Right Soil Mix: Drainage is the key. Your soil should include perlite or vermiculite as they drain excess water away from your plant’s roots.
  2. Avoid Overwatering: Watering only when the soil is dry. It’s ok to let your soil dry out between waterings. If you aren’t sure when it’s best to water, use a meter to eliminate the guesswork.
  3. Always Use a Sturdy Wall: The last thing you want to do is have the planter pulled from the wall. Remember, the bigger the pot, the heavier the burden, especially when fully planted. Use a sturdy wall or provide adequate support to the wall to avoid issues.
  4. Lighting Conditions: Plants have distinct lighting requirements. Familiarize yourself with them. Moreover, plants requiring lots of sunlight are exposed to heat outdoors. So, pay strict attention to watering.
  5. Check for Pests and Diseases: Aphids and spider mites are nasty little creatures harmful to plants. Aphids suck the sap from tender leaves, while spider mites eat holes in the plants. So, keep an eye out for them and treat your plants if you encounter an issue. The same goes for plant diseases.
  6. Prune Your Plants: Pruning encourages healthy growth by removing dead or damaged foliage. So don’t be bashful about pruning your plants.

Look to Root & Vessel for All Your Planter Needs

You won’t find a better selection of decorative planters. Our planters are durable enough for outdoor and indoor use. And best of all, they’re made in the USA.

We make our planters using premium plastics to avoid shattering. And our resin planters add another level of durability. Plus, their marbled design adds a distinct look to the planters.

Whatever your planting requirement, we have you covered:

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Learn about our patented sub-irrigated Water-Minder™ self-watering reservoir that keeps your plants green and lush. Included with all our Artstone planters 5½" and larger.